Digestive problems in babies are common. But these issues are tough to identify since babies may show a number of symptoms ranging from spitting food, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. Most babies look restless and fussy during digestive issues. It is recommended to seek pediatric care for babies behaving unusually or crying since it can be painful. The digestive system gradually matures over time. So exposure to certain factors can cause concerns.


Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) refers to the involuntary passage of gastric contents into the esophagus (food pipe). Infants are more prone to reflux, and it gets better as they grow in age. Various factors, including a milk-based diet and immature gastroesophageal junction, are responsible for higher rates of GER in babies. 

When to see the doctor?

Reflux usually gets better as the baby grows, but do not hesitate to see your pediatrician if you see the following symptoms.

  • Vomiting especially if green or reddish in color
  • Reduced appetite or refusing feed
  • Weight loss or lack of weight gain
  • Rattling sound in the baby’s chest and back
  • Breathing difficulty during feeding
  • Choking spells


Vomiting is defined as the forceful expulsion of gastric contents through the mouth and/or nose. Infants spit up small amounts during feeding, after feeding, or while burping. The amount expelled is typically less than 5-10ml. Rapid feeding, overfeeding, and swallowing of air are some of the causes of vomiting in babies. Repeated vomiting might indicate a gastrointestinal disorder. Contact your baby’s pediatrician to diagnose the cause.

When to see the doctor?

Vomiting can cause dehydration in babies. You should see a doctor immediately in the following circumstances.

  • Vomiting very often
  • Vomiting green bile
  • Vomiting blood
  • Vomiting is followed by severe lethargy or inactivity
  • The baby displays signs of severe distress and crankiness after vomiting
  • Convulsions accompany or occur after or before vomiting


Constipation occurs when babies have hard stools or problems in passing stools. Although constipation is common in babies, it could be uncomfortable for them. Babies are not considered to be constipated if they pass soft stools.

When to see the doctor?

See the doctor immediately in the following scenarios.

  • The infant has not passed stools for more than three days in a row and is vomiting or irritable
  • Constipation in an infant younger than the age of two months
  • Blood in stools
  • The baby is holding bowel movements due to pain while passing stools

Contact Us:

If you have been searching Google for a gastroenterologist near me, gastroenterologist for children near me or children’s gastroenterologist near me, look no further then Gainesville Pediatric GI. Schedule a consultation online at gastrohealthforkids.com